Renewal of our quality certificates
We are happy to announce that our sites in Lannilis, Saint Lô, and Paris have successfully renewed their ISO 9001 certification, showcasing our commitment to customer satisfaction, quality management and continuous improvement.Additionally, our Lannilis site has also...
A new generation seaweed loader in Lanildut
Algaia has provided Lanildut seaweed harvesters with a seaweed loader for three years now.
Algae4IBD General Assembly
Updates from the Algae4IBD General Assembly. The first two days were packed with presentations and discussions on the advancements of all the work packages. A special shoutout to Benoit Queguineur from Algaia for his presentation on the development of food products...
Renewal of the distribution agreement with Gelymar for food
JRS J. Rettenmaier & Söhne has stepped into a new distribution agreement for carrageenans in the food business with Gelymar SA , Algaia’s historical partner.
Official opening of the Saint Lô new pilot facility
The official opening of the Saint Lô facility to support the fast development of Algaia-JRS group's R&D activities in seaweed extracts took place last Monday. Featuring over 150 square meters of pilot production space designed around the go-forward principle and...
Algaia receives the ‘Green Ribbon’ award from the Blue Fish association
Algaia has been honored with the 2023 “Green Ribbon” award for best economic approach for sustainable fishery practices.