Aug 16, 2021 | Innovation, News
Stranded seaweed : a recurring issue Every summer, seaweed are back on the Normandy beaches, at the expense of tourists as well as many professionals. Indeed, several thousand tons of the three main categories of red, green and brown seaweed are washed ashore on the...
Aug 9, 2021 | Innovation, News, Open positions
The Algaia Applications team recently went to Besançon to test alginates in processed cheese with Enil Mamirolle. The objective was to make spreadable cheeses with a more natural positioning thanks to Algaia alginates.Enil made its pilot production capacities...
Jul 28, 2021 | News, Open positions, Press
Sur les plages, les vacanciers les voient souvent comme des nuisances. Pourtant, les algues pourraient apporter des solutions pour séquestrer le carbone ou répondre à la faim dans le monde. Un or vert en puissance. À condition de réussir à bâtir une filière...